GRC Announcements

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Dr. Abdulaziz Sager, Chairman of the Gulf Research Center, participated as speaker in the closed workshop titled “Foreign and Security Policy in the framework of the German-Arab Gulf Dialogue on Security and Cooperation” organized by The German-Arab Friendship Association (DAFG) & King Faisal Center for Research and Islamic Studies (KFCRIS)


Dr. Abdulaziz Sager, Chairman of the Gulf Research Center, participated as speaker in the closed workshop titled “Foreign and Security Policy in the framework of the German-Arab Gulf Dialogue on Security and Cooperation” organized by The German-Arab Friendship Association (DAFG) & King Faisal Center for Research and Islamic Studies (KFCRIS)

Dr. Christian Koch, Director of Research, was part of a German Delegation visit to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The visit was sponsored by the German-Arab Friendship Association.


Among the activities, the group participated in a workshop of the King Faisal Center for Research and Islamic Studies on the topic of “Foreign and Security Policy in the Framework of the German-Arab Gulf Dialogue on Security and Cooperation,” and held a meeting with H.E. Adel Al-Jubair, Minister of State for Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Dr. Koch further held a meeting with H.E. Abdulaziz Aluwaisheq, Assistant Secretary-General for Political and Negotiations Affairs at the Gulf Cooperation Council. On arrival, the delegation was hosted by the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany, H.E. Dieter Lamlé

Dr. Christian Koch, Director of Research, participated in the discussion “Moving from De-Escalation to Confidence-Building in the Gulf: Models, Initiatives, and the Role of the European Union” held by the Finnish Institute for International Affairs at the Permanent representation of Finland to the EU


Dr. Mohamed Abdelraouf, Program Director – GRC Environmental Security and Sustainability Program, participated in the resumed session of the fifth United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA 5.2), which took place at UN Environment Headquarters in Nairobi, Kenya.


Dr. Mohamed Abdelraouf, Program Director – GRC Environmental Security and Sustainability Program, participated in the resumed session of the fifth United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA 5.2), which took place at UN Environment Headquarters in Nairobi, Kenya.

February 28 – March 4, 2022

Dr. Raouf delivered a statement on behalf of the Scientific Community at the opening session of UNEA 5.2. The Gulf Research Center participated in the meeting in its current capacity as the co-chair of Major Groups Facilitating Committee (MGFC) representing the Science and Technology Major Group of UN Environment.

As part of the meeting, Dr. Raouf co-organized and co-chaired the following dialogue sessions:

 - with Dr. Andrea Hinwood, the Chief Scientist at UNEP on Feb. 28th

- with Ambassador Johanna L. Peitz, Stockholm+50 Secretariat on March 4th on Sweden's preparations for Stockholm meeting


On March 3, 2022, Dr. Raouf served as speaker on a side event of Major Groups titled “The road to COP27.” Dr. Raouf presented the expectations from the next COP 27 for Egypt, Arab region and Africa. On March 4, 2022, he was a speaker about “The role of Major groups in the Big Data Age” at a high-level breakfast event on the occasion of launching the Data for the Environment Alliance (DEAL), an initiative by Republic of Estonia, the current vice chair of committee of Permanent Representative to UN Environment and Science Policy Business Forum at UNEP. 

Dr. Abdulaziz Sager, Chairman of the Gulf Research Center, participated as speaker in the seminar titled “Saudi historians…. and anniversary of the Founding Day” organized by the Eastern Province Literary Club (EPLC) in Dammam


Dr. Abdulaziz Sager, Chairman of the Gulf Research Center, participated as speaker in the seminar titled “Saudi historians…. and anniversary of the Founding Day” organized by the Eastern Province Literary Club (EPLC) in Dammam

Dr. Abdulaziz Sager, Chairman of the Gulf Research Center, participated as speaker in the virtual event 'The role of think tanks in the foreign policy-making process' organized by The British International Studies Association (BISA)


Dr. Abdulaziz Sager, Chairman of the Gulf Research Center, participated as speaker in the virtual event 'The role of think tanks in the foreign policy-making process' organized by The British International Studies Association (BISA) .