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22 Jul 202415th GRM 2025


15th GRM 2025 July 22-24, 2025 Conference

Cambridge, UK

Place : Cambridge, UK
Date : Jul 22 to Jul 24 , 2025
Event Type : Conference

09 Jul 202414th GRM 2024


14th GRM 2024 July 9-11, 2024 Conference

Cambridge, UK

Place : Cambridge, UK
Date : Jul 09 to Jul 11 , 2024
Event Type : Conference

04 Mar Gulf Studies Symposium


Gulf Studies Symposium

March 4 & 5, 2024


Washington, DC

Place : Washington, DC
Date : Mar 04 to Mar 05 , 2024
Category: Past Events
Event Type : Conference

11 Nov 2023GCC Türkiye Economic Forum Press Conference

Türkiye hosts a powerful regional economy boasting as the 19th largest economy in the world, with a GDP of roughly $906 billion and is a regional leader in a variety of sectors with a workforce of approximately 33 million people. The GCC states has a total GDP in excess of $3.464 trillion. With its geographical location, Türkiye serves as a hub between Europe and the Gulf region. The GCC countries and Türkiye have complementary economic systems, which provide a solid foundation for expanding investment and commercial ties. Ankara’s foreign policy has recently become more concerned with finding new export markets and seeking foreign investment into the Turkish economy. The GCC’s extensive foreign reserves offer a solid ground for a synergistic investment partnership across multiple sectors to establish and transfer industrial knowledge and expertise.
Place : Çırağan Palace Kempinski Hotel, Istanbul
Date : Nov 11 to Nov 13 , 2023
Category: Past Events
Event Type : Conference

11 Jul 2023GRM 2023 conference


The upcoming dates for GRM 2023 will take place from July 11-13th

Place : Cambridge, United Kingdom
Date : Jul 11 to Jul 13 , 2023
Category: Past Events
Event Type : Conference

07 Sep 20224th Tafahum Annual Conference Enhancing Multi-Track Dialogue and Cooperation in West Asia and the Arabian Peninsula

Place : Berlin, Germany
Date : Sep 07 to Sep 08 , 2022
Category: Past Events
Event Type : Conference

12 Jul 2022Gulf Research Policy Forum


The Gulf Research Center (GRC) organized a Policy Forum that addressed a range of policy issues related to the Gulf region. The Forum outlined the main findings of the Gulf Strategic Analysis 2022 report by the research team of the GRC. This report provided an overview of the regional developments during the past 12 months. At the forum, the key findings were discussed in two panel sessions focusing on the key current political/security and economic/energy policy issues impacted with the Gulf region. Show more

Place : London, United Kingdom
Date : Jul 12 to Jul 12 , 2022
Category: Past Events
Event Type : Conference

07 Sep 2021Tafahum 3rd Annual Conference

Place : Berlin, Germany
Date : Sep 07 , 2021
Category: Past Events
Event Type : Conference

23 Jul 2021GRM2021

Place : Virtual
Date : Jul 23 to Jul 24 , 2021
Category: Past Events
Event Type : Conference

12 Sep 2019Tafahum First Annual Conference


This is the first annual conference for the Tafahum project. This closed conference held under Chatham House Rule, will further outline and discuss how dialogue, cooperation and coordination on topics of shared interest and concern in the region can be structured. 

Place : ARCOTEL John F Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Date : Sep 12 to Sep 13 , 2019
Category: Past Events
Event Type : Conference

15 Jul 2019Gulf Research Meeting 2019

The Gulf Research Center is pleased to announce that the tenth Gulf Research Meeting will take place from July 21-23, 2019 at the University of Cambridge, UK. Paper presenters and participants will gather in individual workshops to discuss developments in the region and their implications The following workshops will take place:
  • A Peace Process for the Gulf: International Initiatives and Gulf Conflict Resolution
  • Artificial Intelligence in the Gulf: Prospects and Challenges
  • Business-State Relations in the Gulf
  • Domestic Policy Making and Governance in Saudi Arabia
  • Emerging Challenges in International Relations and Transnational Politics of the GCC
  • Family Changes in the Context of Social Changes in the Gulf Region
  • Post-Brexit Britain, Europe and Policy towards Iran and the GCC states: Potential Challenges and the Possibility of Cooperation
  • Quality of Higher Education in the Gulf: Quo Vadis?
  • Quotidian Youth Cultures in the Gulf Peninsula: Changes and Challenges
  • Re-engaging with the Gulf Modernist City: Heritage and Repurposing Practices
  • The Consequences of the Kurdistan Independence Referendum: Relations between KRG, Iran and the GCC
  • The Role of Sovereign Investments Vehicles in the GCC
  • Towards Sustainable Consumption and Production in the Gulf
  • Women, National Building and Modernization Projects in the Gulf: Explorations in State Instrumentalization of Women

For more details on the GRM 2019 please click here

Place : University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
Date : Jul 15 to Jul 18 , 2019
Category: Past Events
Event Type : Conference

31 Jul 2018Gulf Research Meeting 2018

The Gulf Research Center is pleased to announce that the ninth Gulf Research Meeting will take place from July 31st to August 3rd, 2018 at the University of Cambridge, UK. Paper presenters and participants will gather in individual workshops to discuss developments in the region and their implications The following workshops will take place:
  • Gulf Cooperation Council Culture and Identities in the New Millennium: Resilience, Transformation, (Re)Creation and Diffusion
  • The Gulf and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization
  • The Gulf States in East Africa: Security, Economic and Strategic Partnerships?
  • The Rise of International Sport on the Arab Peninsula: Politics, Art, Ethics
  • Iraq and Arab Gulf Countries: Rapprochement?
  • The Future of Population and Migration in the Gulf
  • Shaping the Future of the GCC Countries through Language Policy and Planning: Concepts, Challenges and Aspirations
  • Fintech, Digital Currency and the Future of Islamic Finance in the GCC-Strategy, Operational and Regulatory Issues
  • The Gulf Post-Syrian-Crisis Political Architecture and the Roles of the External Actors: the USA, Russia and China
  • A Debate on Economic Sustainability: In the GCC and Elsewhere

For more details on the GRM 2018 please click here

Place : University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
Date : Jul 31 to Aug 03 , 2018
Category: Past Events
Event Type : Conference

26 Oct 2017Saudi-European Dialogue


Gulf Research Center, European Council on Foreign Relations

Place : London, United Kingdom
Date : Oct 26 to Oct 27 , 2017
Category: Past Events
Event Type : Conference

13 Oct 2017Perspectives on the Conflict in Yemen

Gulf Research Center (GRC), Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces (DCAF)
Place : Geneva, Switzerland
Date : Oct 13 , 2017
Category: Past Events
Event Type : Conference

11 Oct 2017Perspectives on the Conflict in Yemen

Gulf Research Center (GRC), Royal Institute for International Relations – EGMONT
Place : Brussels, Belgium
Date : Oct 11 , 2017
Category: Past Events
Event Type : Conference

05 Oct 2017Arab geopolitics from turmoil towards balances, stability and regional order

The NATO Defense College Foundation in cooperation with the Gulf Research Center Foundation, the NATO Science for Peace and Security Programme, the NATO Defense College and the NATO Political Affairs and Security Policy Division The ongoing war against terrorism in many important Arab countries, the aftermath of the Russia-US new relation and its overall repercussions in the wider region risk turning away the attention on major trends that will gradually shape a new regional balance. To avoid short-term reactions dictated by immediate crisis management and disruptions by current politics, it is necessary to continue a far-sighted analysis and craft arrangements guaranteeing security, rule of law and sovereignty to all involved countries. The conference is structured into three panels: The first will try to follow the dynamics of state disintegration and re-integration against the background of disruptive non-state actors. The second panel considers the sustainable economics in the area. The third panel intends to reflect on the evolution of the main external actors in a context of cooperative security and concentrates on the interaction of regional aspirations which influence the regional geo-political dynamics together with the evolution of politics. NATO’s security is deeply affected by the stability situation in the Middle East and North Africa, which has deteriorated significantly across the whole region. It is important to facilitate an in-depth evaluation of the Alliance’s opportunities to clarify strategic directions, carry out much needed outreach towards new partners, set up concrete initiatives and to give added substance to co-operative security with partners of the Region. The conference aims at a high-quality added-value interaction; anticipating relevant strategic developments and draw clear indications also for NATO’s activities in the area and future programmes.
Place : Rome, Italy
Date : Oct 05 to Oct 06 , 2017
Category: Past Events
Event Type : Conference

20 Sep 2017Yemen - Finding a Way Forward


Six years since the initial uprising against former long-time Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh, Yemen endures power struggles among various groups fighting for control since the failed transition to President Abdrabbuh Mansur Hadi in November 2011. Reaching a political solution up to this point has proven nearly impossible, and as a result, Yemen is currently suffering a humanitarian disaster including continued civilian casualties, internal displacement, and food insecurity. Ending the conflict and bringing peace to Yemen needs to be a priority for the international community, not only for the future of Yemen’s own security and stability, but for that of the entire region, as conflict spillover remains a serious threat to neighboring countries.

In order to illuminate some the key issues defining developments in Yemen, the Gulf Research Center (GRC) in collaboration with the Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation is pleased to hold an exclusive discussion on “Yemen - The Way Forward”, to be held on Wednesday, September 20, 2017 in Berlin, Germany. This timely event is convened while a state of emergency is declared in Sanaa, prospects for ending the Yemen conflict face persisting political and security challenges and the dire humanitarian situation in Yemen perseveres despite international aid pledges. As a result, this workshops aims to shed light on the status of the political process and negotiations to settle the conflict, focusing on the key developments in the humanitarian and economic development field, and outlining the priorities and position of Yemenis alongside the role that external actors like Germany and the European Union can put forward when it comes to the complex challenges of the Yemen crisis. The workshop is meant to provide a forum for a frank discussion on the Yemen conflict, bringing together stakeholders and experts to discuss the political, economic and social angles of the crisis and prospects for conflict resolution mechanisms.

Place : Berlin, Germany
Date : Sep 20 , 2017
Category: Past Events
Event Type : Conference

12 Sep 2017Iraq-GCC Dialogue


The conference brought together thought leaders from Iraq and several GCC countries for two days of private, structured discussions. The dialogue is focused on intra-regional relations and supporting efforts at more fully reintegrating Iraq into the Arab world. Iraq’s reintegration and the normalization of its relations with its Arab neighbors has been undermined both by the reckless regional policies pursued during the Saddam Hussein era and by the rising sectarian tensions that characterized the post-Saddam period. The current moment sees two countervailing trends: shared regional concerns about the spread of ISIS in particular and violent Jihadi Salafism in general, and escalating sectarian polarization, most notably in Syria and Iraq. In light of this backdrop, this proposed dialogue would seek to support the current efforts to improve Iraq’s ties with its Gulf neighbors, and the dialogue would initially reflect this by addressing mutual perceptions, common and diverging interests, and developing ideas for bilateral, multilateral and regional cooperation. With the rise of ISIS and the spread of sectarian conflict, the need for dialogue is acute to further regional security cooperation, avoid increased polarization and accidental escalation, and maximize post-ISIS stabilization and reconstruction efforts.

Place : Brussels, Belgium
Date : Sep 12 to Sep 14 , 2017
Category: Past Events
Event Type : Conference

01 Aug 2017Gulf Research Meeting 2017

The Gulf Research Center is pleased to announce that the eighth Gulf Research Meeting will take place from August 1-4, 2017 at the University of Cambridge, UK. Paper presenters and participants will gather in individual workshops to discuss developments in the region and their implications The following workshops will take place:
  • Smart Cities in the Gulf: Current State, Opportunities, and Challenges
  • Private Delivery of Infrastructure Services in the GCC: The New Political Economy of PPPs
  • Brexit and the GCC
  • The GCC and the Indian Ocean: Economic Opportunities and Political Challenges
  • Electoral Frameworks, Party Systems, and Electoral Outcomes: Comparing Elections in the Gulf
  • Transforming Business Education in the GCC: Transitioning from Theoretical to Applied, and Applied to Impactful
  • Gender Identity in the Gulf: Cultural Constructions and Representations
  • The Arab Gulf in the West: Perceptions and Realities; Opportunities and Perils
  • Migration Policies in the Gulf: Continuity and Change

For more details on the GRM 2017 please click here

Place : University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
Date : Aug 01 to Aug 04 , 2017
Category: Past Events
Event Type : Conference

16 Aug 2016Gulf Research Meeting 2016

The Gulf Research Center is pleased to announce that the seventh Gulf Research Meeting will take place from August 16-19, 2016 at the University of Cambridge, UK. Paper presenters and participants will gather in individual workshops to discuss developments in the region and their implications The following workshops will take place:
  • Challenges Facing GCC Oil and Gas Exports
  • Collective Security in the Gulf: Prospects for Pan-Gulf Cooperation
  • Nuclear Energy for the Gulf: Key Questions and Opportunities
  • Towards a Sustainable Lifestyle in the Gulf
  • Yemen and the GCC: Future Relations
  • Arab Gulf Cities in Transition: Space, Politics and Society
  • Exploring the Dynamism of Islamic Finance in the GCC Region
  • The Future of GCC Labour Market Reform: Towards a Multi-Disciplinary, Sustainable, Evidence-Based and Practical Understanding
  • New Security Dynamics in the Gulf and the Transformation of the GCC States’ Security Agenda
  • Foreign Relations of the GCC Countries amid Shifting Global and Regional Dynamics
  • The Economics of Migration to the Gulf: Perspectives from Countries of Origin and Destination

For more details on the GRM 2016 please click here

Place : University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
Date : Aug 16 to Aug 19 , 2016
Category: Past Events
Event Type : Conference

25 Feb 2016Arab Geopolitics in Turmoil - Perceptions, Unknowns and Policies


Conference organised by the NATO Defense College Foundation in cooperation with the Gulf Research Center Foundation, the NATO Science for Peace and Security Programme, the NATO Defense College and the University of Jordan.

ROME, 25-26th of February 2016

Venue: Sala Anfiteatro – Auditorium Via Veneto, Via Vittorio Veneto 89

The Arab revolutions, the present turmoil together with the US-Iranian peace overtures, have changed in a significant way the strategic landscape of regional security even in countries where no political upheaval was experienced. In addition non-state actors increase significantly the risk of disintegration of countries in the area, while regional hegemonic competitions complicate an already volatile situation. In this difficult context there is a clear need to understand how external powers interests can be reconciled also through a web of partnerships and co-operative security arrangements

It is therefore important to analyze the perceptions and consequences of this changing environment. This is seen as the key to overcome short-term political turmoil as well as diplomatic disarray and craft effective policies guaranteeing the security and sovereignty of all countries of the area.

The NATO Defense College Foundation and the Gulf Research Center Foundation intend to better understand the roots of this geopolitical uproar, to put together different views on different priorities and to explore possible future outcomes. The purpose of the conference is ambitious but the time has come to tackle the right fundamental issues. The conference is structured in four panels. It has a circular structure consisting of two distinct and intertwining sets: one on soft strategic factors and one on hard security. 

Place : Rome, Italy
Date : Feb 25 to Feb 26 , 2016
Category: Past Events
Event Type : Conference

06 Dec 2015INCONET GCC2 International Conference: Collaboration for Innovation; Linking GCC and EU


The Gulf Research Center Foundation is pleased to invite you to join the INCONET-GCC 2 International Conference entitled: Collaboration for Innovation; Linking GCC and EU on December 6-8, 2015 at the Grand Hyatt Hotel in Muscat, Oman.

INCONET-GCC 2 is a European Commission funded project which aims at establishing a Science, Technology and Innovation International Cooperation Network between the European Union and the Arab Gulf Countries aiming at the bi-regional coordination towards HORIZON2020.

The Gulf Research Center Foundation is part of the consortium of this innovative and ambitious project and we hope you will be able to join the debates & exchanges.

This international conference is organized by the INCONET-GCC 2 consortium and will gather around 100 representatives from all over the world. The first day, December 6th is dedicated to on-site visits to local Technology Parks, Incubators and Research Organizations. The second & third days will present the state of EU-GCC cooperation, collaboration opportunities & benefits as well as barriers to overcome, with a focus on Energy and Healthcare as well as Smart Cities, which have been identified as sectors of mutual interest and benefit between the EU and GCC countries.
For your information, the INCONET-GCC 2 project is the follow-up of the results of previous cooperation activities with the Arab Gulf Countries (INCONET-GCC 1st phase) as it focuses on selected societal challenges of mutual interest identified during the previous collaboration. INCONET-GCC 2 explores how to achieve win-win collaboration across national, multidisciplinary and cross-sector approaches, while also realizing and underpinning new-path-breaking kinds of capacity-building and organizing clustering activities around the selected research priorities: smart cities, smart energy & eHealth.

If you wish to participate in this conference, please contact:

Sébastien Lévy at      
or Sylviane Toporkoff at
Please feel free to forward this information to any of your colleagues who may be interested to join this conference.

For more details, please also visit:

Place : Grand Hyatt Hotel, Muscat, Oman
Date : Dec 06 to Dec 08 , 2015
Category: Past Events
Event Type : Conference

24 Aug 2015Gulf Research Meeting 2015

The Gulf Research Center is pleased to announce that the sixth Gulf Research Meeting will take place from August 24-27, 2015 at the University of Cambridge, UK. Paper presenters and participants will gather in individual workshops to discuss developments in the region and their implications The following workshops will take place:
  • Egypt and the GCC: Renewing an Alliance amidst Shifting Policy Pressures
  • Building an Institutional Process of Socio-Politics in the Gulf
  • The Gulf Cooperation Council and the BRICS
  • The Role of Legislation, Policies and Practices in Irregular Migration to the Gulf with Support from Qatar University
  • Intellectual Property in the New Era in the GCC States: Enforcement and Opportunity
  • Transnational Knowledge Relations and Researcher Mobility for Building Knowledge-Based Societies and Economies in the Gulf
  • Higher Education in the GCC: Linkages and Independence
  • The Arms Trade, Military Services and the Security Market in the Gulf: Trends and Implications
  • Economic Diversification: Challenges and Opportunities in the GCC
  • The Future of Yemen’s Unity
  • Iran-GCC Energy Cooperation

For more details on the GRM 2015 please click here

Place : University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
Date : Aug 24 to Aug 27 , 2015
Category: Past Events
Event Type : Conference

12 Jun 201513th Annual Conference on the Middle East


The Gulf Research Center, the Geneva Center for Security Policy and the Crown Center for Middle East Studies at Brandeis University convened in Gstaad for their annual discussions on developments in the Middle Eastern region. Bringing together renowned regional, security, and policy experts in order to assess the overall situation in the Middle East, the meeting focused on the changing strategic landscape and the geopolitical and regional dynamics at play, an assessment of the state and implications of the Arab Revolutions, as well as an in-depth look at the situation in the Levant, Turkey, North Africa, the Gulf region and Israel and Palestine. The meeting underlined that the Middle East was undergoing fundamental shifts and transitions including a move from state centric approaches to non-state issues and from a national to a transnational focus. With vacuums appearing in many place, the question of who or what will fill the vacuum is of central importance. 

Place : Gstaad, Switzerland
Date : Jun 12 to Jun 14 , 2015
Category: Past Events
Event Type : Conference

25 Aug 2014Gulf Research Meeting 2014

The Gulf Research Center is pleased to announce that the fifth Gulf Research Meeting will take place from August 25-28, 2014 at the University of Cambridge, UK. As in past years, this GRM will host enthusiastic participation from academics, researchers, and policymakers. Lively discussions on a variety of topics relating to the Gulf region will take place in the 14 workshops. One of the workshops will be doctoral symposium bringing together Ph.D. students working on dissertations related to sustainability issues in the Gulf region. GRM provides the opportunity to understand regional issues both from the Gulf perspective and an international perspective. The following workshops will take place:
  • Social Media and the Changing Context of Politics in the Gulf
  • The United States and the Gulf: Towards a Reassessment of Gulf Commitments and Alignments?
  • Representing the Nation – The Use of Heritage and Museums to Create National Narratives and Identity in the GCC
  • The Future of Yemen
  • Employed, yet Underemployed and Underestimated: Leadership, Ownership and Work Motivation in the Gulf
  • Green Economy in the Gulf Region
  • Enhancing the Learning Ecosystem in the GCC: Learning Outside the Classroom (LOtC)
  • The GCC States’ Foreign and Security Policies after the Arab Spring
  • Science & Technology Education, Research and Innovation in the GCC Countries
  • Determinants of Future Migration in the Gulf
  • The Changing Energy Landscape in the Gulf: Strategic Implications
  • Iran and the GCC: Prospects for Change?
  • Doctoral Symposium: Addressing the Sustainability Agenda in the Gulf Region
  • Gulf-Africa Relations: Past and Present Trends

For more details on the GRM 2014 please click here

Place : University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
Date : Aug 25 to Aug 28 , 2014
Category: Past Events
Event Type : Conference

20 Jun 201412th Gstaad Middle East Conference “The Middle East: Change and Upheaval 2014”


The Gulf Research Center, in partnership with the Geneva Centre for Security Policy (GCSP) and the Crown Center at Brandeis University, hosted the 12th Annual Conference on the Middle East in Gstaad, Switzerland on June 20-2, 2014. The conference brought together about 25 renowned regional, security, and policy experts in order to assess the current situation in the Middle East and North Africa. During the meeting, participants discussed the Arab Revolutions, the overall geopolitical and regional dynamics as it pertains to the Levant, Turkey, the Arab-Israeli issue, and the situation in Iraq, Iran, and the Gulf region. There was a session on the current nuclear negotiations with Iran and what it means for the wider region and its relations with outside powers. A policy brief summarizing the discussions has been released by the Geneva Center for Security Policy. 

Place : Gstaad, Switzerland
Date : Jun 20 to Jun 22 , 2014
Category: Past Events
Event Type : Conference

22 Apr 2014Saudi Economy Conference: Challenges and Ambitions


The national economy of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has achieved unprecedented accomplishments not only in the Middle East Region, but also on a global level, especially in recent years, after the Kingdom was ranked as one of the richest twenty countries in the world, combined with the growth, strength and high flexibility achieved by the Saudi economy. This has enabled the Kingdom to overcome the global financial crisis that hit the global economy since 2008, while the consequences of subsequent economic aftershocks are still affecting most of the global economies. This proves the strength of the Saudi economy and its ability to grow as confirmed by the figures of the State Budget and the surplus achieved over the past years.

Proceeding from the mission of the Faculty of Economics and Administration in King Abdulaziz University in promoting scientific academic research, and serving the community, especially after the great success achieved by the Conference at its first edition held during the period of  7- 9 May 2012, the College will launch the second edition of this Conference (National Economy: Challenges and Ambitions) during the period of 22- 24 April, 2014. This Conference will discuss several key issues related to the reality and the future of the national economy and its impact on citizens, especially with regard to the economic sectors related to services. All this will take place within the framework of discussing the challenges and how to achieve the ambitions in this area.

Place : Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Date : Apr 22 to Apr 24 , 2014
Category: Past Events
Event Type : Conference

03 Sep 2013GCC-Swiss Forum 2013


The Gulf Research Center Foundation in Geneva will host the 1st GCC-Swiss Forum, to be held from September 3 to 4, 2013 at the InterContinental Hotel Geneva. This pioneering event will serve to identify the multi-faceted opportunities as well as address the status quo of the bilateral relations between Switzerland and the countries of the strategically important Arabian Gulf region. There will be plenary sessions on GCC-Swiss Economic and Political Relations as well as on Energy, Tourism, Banking & Finance and Education. Particular attention will also be paid to the recent Free Trade Agreement signed between the EFTA and GCC member states, and the opportunities this brings about for future GCC-Swiss relations. In addition to formulating a concrete set of policy recommendations that can promote and advance the diverse and growing ties between the two sides, the event will serve as an excellent networking opportunity between respective government and business representatives.

 The GCC-Swiss Forum will bring together high-level representatives from both Switzerland and the Gulf region including numerous ministers, representatives from respective chambers of commerce as well as GCC and Swiss business leaders. We are pleased to be able to confirm that H.E. Maj. Gen. Dr. Abdul Latif bin Rashid al Zayani, the Secretary General of the Gulf Cooperation Council and H.E. The Vice President of Switzerland, Dr. Didier Burkhalter, have already confirmed their attendance and will address the event as keynote speakers. If this event has caught your interest, please register online today 
 by clicking here or contact Mr. Florian Weisweiler, Buisness Development Manager at the Gulf Research Center Foundation in Geneva by sending an E-mail to 

Place : InterContinental Hotel, Geneva, Switzerland
Date : Sep 03 to Sep 04 , 2013
Category: Past Events
Event Type : Conference

02 Jul 2013Gulf Research Meeting 2013

The Gulf Research Center is pleased to announce that the fourth Gulf Research Meeting will take place at the University of Cambridge from July 2-4, 2013 with workshops on a range of political, economic and social issues. Over two-and-a-half days, paper presenters and participants will gather in individual workshops to discuss developments in the region and their implications. The following workshops will be held:
  • The GCC States-Turkey Relations: Opportunities and Challenges
  • The Relationship between the Gulf Countries and Latin America: The Role of Non-State Actors
  • The Gulf and Asia Political Relations and Strategic Options in a Developing Scenario (China, India, South Korea and Japan)
  • Saudi Arabia and the Arab Uprisings: National, Regional, and Global Responses
  • The Rentier State at 25: Dismissed, Revised, Upheld?
  • Gulf Cities as Interfaces
  • Sustainable Development Challenges in the GCC
  • Educational Challenges in the GCC in the 21st Century
  • GCC Relations with Post-War Iraq: A Strategic Perspective
  • Boundaries and Territory in the Gulf Region
  • Challenges Facing the GCC Oil & Gas Industry

For more details on the GRM 2013 please click here

Place : University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
Date : Jul 02 to Jul 05 , 2013
Category: Past Events
Event Type : Conference

28 Jun 2013Gstaad Middle East Conference


The Gulf Research Center, the Geneva Center for Security Policy and the Crown Center for Middle East Studies at Brandeis University held the 11th edition of their Middle East Annual Conference in Gstaad, Switzerland from June 28-30, 2013. Bringing together 25 specialists, the conference focused on the geopolitical and regional dynamics of the Middle East, an evaluation of the Arab Revolutions including developments occurring in Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan, Syria and the Maghreb, as well as an overview of the domestic politics and the various security implications when it comes to the Arab Gulf States, Iran, Iraq, Israel and Palestine. The meeting concluding with a panel on US policy and implications.

Place : Gstaad, Switzerland
Date : Jun 28 to Jun 30 , 2013
Category: Past Events
Event Type : Conference

29 Apr 2013Promoting an EU-GCC Dialogue on Foreign Policy Issues


As part of the EU-supported project on “Promoting Deeper EU-GCC Relations,” the Gulf Research Center (GRC) along with the College of Arts and Sciences of Qatar University, the Global Governance Institute and the Institute for European Studies at Vrije Universiteit Brussels, hosted a two-day workshop on “Promoting an EU-GCC Dialogue on Foreign Policy Issues” on the campus of Qatar University in Doha on April 29 and 30, 2013. The workshop was divided into six sessions focusing on EU-GCC Relations, Yemen, Global Governance, the Mediterranean region, Non-Proliferation Issues and Syria. Each session was introduced by a background paper and was followed by a lively and animated discussion among the participants. In total more than 70 persons took part included academics and specialists, members of various research institutes and policy officials from both the EU and the GCC side. The workshop will result in a publication to be produced in late summer 2013. For further information, also consult the project website under:

Place : Qatar University, Doha, Qatar
Date : Apr 29 to Apr 30 , 2013
Category: Past Events
Event Type : Conference

11 Jul 2012Gulf Research Meeting 2012

The Gulf Research Center is pleased to announce that the third Gulf Research Meeting will take place at the University of Cambridge, UK from July 11-14. The 2012 meeting will bring together leading academics, area specialists, policy practitioners and students. Discussions will be held over three days in 19 workshops focusing on various aspects of Gulf development:
  • The Arab Spring: Impacts and Consequences on the GCC
  • Asia and the Gulf: Comparative Analysis of the Role of Asian Countries
  • Gulf Charities in the “Age of Terror” and the “Arab Awakening”
  • Socio-economic Impacts of GCC Migration
  • A Growing Gulf: Public and Private Sector Initiatives and the Realities of Youth Employment Outcomes
  • International Tourism Development in the GCC Countries: Opportunities and Challenges
  • The Impact of Globalization on Women in the GCC
  • An Assessment of Opportunities and Possibilities: The Gulf and Latin America
  • Visual Culture in the GCC
  • The Impact of Large-scale Datasets on Evidence-based Educational Policymaking and Reform in the Gulf States
  • Environmental Cost and Changing Face of Agriculture in the Gulf States
  • Gulf Energy Challenges
  • Housing Markets and Policy Design in the Gulf Region
  • Structure, Conduct and Performance: Case of GCC Banks
  • State-Society Relations in the Arab Gulf Region: Religion, Intellectuals and New Media
  • The Political Economy of Clean Energy Solutions in the GCC
  • Healthcare Policies in GCC: Challenges and Future Directions
  • Islamic Finance in the GCC
  • The India-Gulf Strategic Partnership in a Pan-Asian Cooperative Paradigm

For more details on the GRM 2012 please click here

Place : University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
Date : Jul 11 to Jul 14 , 2012
Category: Past Events
Event Type : Conference

07 May 2012Saudi Economy: Challenges and Opportunities


Globalization has demolished barriers and increased economic interdependence. This in turn has positive and negative consequences for national economies. On the positive side, the rate of investments and capital movement among states has increased. On the negative side, the recent global economic crisis, including the US financial crisis and the debt problems of some EU countries, seriously impacted the world economy, especially developing economies.

As a reaction to the global economic crisis, governments, officials of national and international institutions, and academic institutions have engaged in studying and analyzing the various aspects of the crisis in order to understand its causes and consequences and to design strategies for dealing with the impact. They also seek to be better prepared in case such crises occur in the future. In addition, they want to evaluate the impact of the crisis on the economies of the developed and developing countries and study the challenges they faced and the solutions they adopted to deal with the new international economic environment.   

The challenges facing the Saudi economy in such an unpredictable international economic environment led King Abdulaziz University – represented by the Faculty of Economic and Administration – to hold a conference titled "Saudi Economy: Challenges and Opportunities."

Place : King Faisal Convention Center, King AbdulAziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Date : May 07 to May 09 , 2012
Category: Past Events
Event Type : Conference

12 Sep 2011Managing U.S.-Saudi Relations


The relationship between the United States and Saudi Arabia has for decades been strong and important to both countries, creating a mutual dependency based on oil and security. Relations have periodically been subject to tensions, notably after September 11, when the predominance of Saudi citizens among perpetrators led to strong U.S. criticism of Saudi policies. At present, tensions have risen yet again due to the divergent reactions of Washington and Riyadh to the Arab Spring. The speakers will discuss how the post-September 11 crisis was managed and resolved as well as how the present crisis is being addressed.

Place : Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Washington DC, United States
Date : Sep 12 , 2011
Category: Past Events
Event Type : Conference

06 Jul 2011Gulf Research Meeting 2011

Building on the success of the 2010 GRM, The Gulf Research Center is pleased to announce that the second Gulf Research Meeting will take place from July 6-9, 2011 at the University of Cambridge, UK. Sixteen workshops will be held during the three day conference
  • Impact of Climate Change on the Gulf Region
  • The Transformation of Rentier States and the Provision of Public and Common Goods
  • Educational Reform, Public Policy, and the Students of the Gulf Region
  • WTO and Globalization: GCC Impact
  • Modernization and Socio-Economic Changes in the Gulf Arabic Cities
  • India and the Gulf: What Next?
  • Shaping the Gulf National Innovation Systems
  • Healthcare Challenges in the Gulf Region
  • Potential and Limits of Civil Society in the Gulf Region
  • Media in the GCC
  • GCC-Iran Relations
  • Migration in the Gulf
  • Human Resource Development in the Gulf Region
  • The Role of Business Women in the Economies and Societies of the Arab Region
  • The EU and the GCC in the Mediterranean
  • Soft Power in the Gulf: The Politics of the Post-Rentier State

For more details on the GRM 2011 please click here

Place : University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
Date : Jul 06 to Jul 09 , 2011
Category: Past Events
Event Type : Conference

04 Dec 2010The Gulf-Africa Investment Conference 2010: Fostering Economic Relations


Under the patronage of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Abdullah Bin Abdulaziz "The Gulf-Africa Investment Conference 2010 - Fostering Economic Relations" was held in Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia from December 4 to 5, 2010 organized by the Council of Saudi Chambers in partnership with the Gulf Research Center. Thereby, the Kingdom is underlining the importance of the Gulf-Africa Investment Conference and stressing the commitment to developing the strategic relationship with the countries on the African continent.

The Gulf-Africa Conference brought together key leaders and personalities from government, business, academia and media to outline the issues and challenges facing more constructive economic and business-to-business relations between the key regions of Africa and the Gulf. The focus of the meeting was looking specifically into the various investment opportunities that are presenting themselves including the relevant strategies required to turn initial plans into more concrete actions. This includes opportunities in areas such as agriculture, minerals and natural resources, energy, telecommunications and infrastructure, as well as tourism and trade development. In all of these instances, the Gulf-Africa Conference was a unique gathering that added substance to much of the present rhetoric about GCC-Africa ties.

Place : Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Date : Dec 04 to Dec 05 , 2010
Category: Past Events
Event Type : Conference

09 Nov 2010Energy Security: Potential for EU-GCC Cooperation


The Conference on Energy Security: Potential for EU-GCC Cooperation will be held on November 09-10, 2010 at the Diplomat Radisson Blu Hotel in Manama, Bahrain.


This high-level international conference is organized by the Bahrain Center for Strategic, International and Energy Studies (BCSIES) and The Gulf Research Center Foundation (GRCF).


The conference is one of the concluding events of SECURE, a research project funded by the European Commission under the Seventh Framework Programme with the objective of building a comprehensive framework that covers the issues related to security of supply inside and outside the EU.


The conference will bring together some 150 energy security policy experts, among them Ministers of Oil & Gas / Energy from the region, representatives of the European Union to the Gulf Cooperation Council, Academics, CEOs of the major Oil corporations, civil servants and diplomats in the region.


The objective of the conference is to create a platform for discussion and dialogue on past, current and future energy security problems and solutions. The current and emerging energy and greenhouse gas challenges will also be addressed.


The conference will consist of six plenary sessions, introduced by a short presentation of SECURE research outcomes, followed by a panel of discussants composed of energy security policy experts from different backgrounds.

Place : Manama, Bahrain
Date : Nov 09 to Nov 10 , 2010
Category: Past Events
Event Type : Conference

07 Jul 2010Gulf Research Meeting 2010

The Gulf Research Center is pleased to announce that first Gulf Research Meeting (GRM) will take place in July 2010 at the University of Cambridge and will consist of 12 research workshops focusing on the following areas
  • Natural Resources, Accountability and Democracy
  • Formal and Informal Mechanisms of Political Participation
  • The Role of the Private Sector in Promoting Economic and Political Reform
  • The GCC Banking and Financial Sector
  • Population, Labor Markets and National Identity
  • The Impact of Migration on Gulf Development and Stability
  • Developing an Agenda for Security Studies in the Gulf
  • The Governance of Higher Education in the Gulf Cooperation Region
  • Environmental Policies in the Gulf
  • EU-GCC Relations
  • Gulf-China Relations
  • Islamic Politics in the Gulf

For more details on the GRM 2010 please click here

Place : University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
Date : Jul 07 to Jul 10 , 2010
Category: Past Events
Event Type : Conference

21 Oct 2009Renewable Energy in the Gulf: Perspectives and Challenges


The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), which was officially launched this January, has announced that its headquarters will be located in Abu Dhabi’s Masdar City. In light of this major development, the GRC is organizing a roundtable discussion to address the main issues facing renewable energy, especially those relating to solar power.

The aim of the event is:        

·To focus on the main renewable energy challenges that the Arab Gulf states will face

·To exchange views with different experts in this field

·Discuss concept, ideas, projects and policy options that could be proposed as road map to governments in the region

Place : GRC Conference Room, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Date : Oct 21 , 2009
Category: Past Events
Event Type : Conference

24 Feb 2009The Gulf and Africa: Developing a New Strategic Partnership


In addition to traditional partners like the United States and Europe and emerging relations with Asian countries, it is clear that the GCC states must also look further towards Africa as a future essential economic and political partner. Despite distinctive attributes that link GCC and African states, their relations are eventually viewed as asymmetrical and fluctuant.  Economically, although investments and trade between both regions have been increasing, the existing economic ties are still restricted to certain industrial sectors such as extractive industry, telecommunications, tourism and real estate. Moreover, these activities are geographically limited to certain countries: not all African countries trade with GCC states and vice-versa. Politically speaking, some historical and cultural ties have ensured the existence of a relationship between some GCC member states and some African states. However, overall the relationship existing between the two regions remains weak. Beyond bilateral diplomatic relations, little is done by both sides to strengthen their regional power. It is with this realization in mind that this conference aims to cement the GCC-Africa relationship by offering an in-depth assessment of the status of ties and a clear outlook to where the relationship could be heading.

Place : Cape town, South Africa
Date : Feb 24 to Feb 25 , 2009
Category: Past Events
Event Type : Conference

06 Jan 2009The Gulf Forum 2009: “US-Gulf Relations Post-Election”


The election for the next US president in November 2008 will have far-ranging implications. This is particularly the case as far as the Middle East and especially the Gulf region is concerned. Nowhere is the US presence – militarily, politically and economically – more visible than in the volatile Gulf region and the role being played by the US in regional affairs is the most important factor when it comes to external involvement in Gulf matters.


The scope and depth of the US involvement is clearly evident. As of October 2008, over 200,000 American troops remain stationed in the Gulf with close to 140,000 on active duty in Iraq. The forces serve as both a stabilizing and destabilizing agent for the region, maintaining a certain balance of power and protecting US regional allies but also drawing the ire and resentment of those opposed to their presence. The issue is complicated by the fact that under the policies pursued by the George W. Bush administration, US policy has added to the uncertainty in the region. Overall, it can be argued that the US has become as much a part of the problem as a part of the solution. As such, how to balance the need for a military presence with the political prerogative of regional stability is a key question that an incoming US administration will have to grapple with.


The number of questions associated with the future direction of US Gulf policy is long and complicated. Much of the focus will be on the continued military presence in Iraq as well as on the potential for a confrontation with Iran over that country’s nuclear program. While a fourth major conflict in three decades would certainly have negative repercussions so would a situation where the region has to deal with a nuclear-capable Iran intent on spreading its hegemony to the neighboring states. Similarly, there are deep concerns from the Arab Gulf States as far as potential US-Iran negotiations are concerned that could culminate in a so-called ´grand ´bargain´ at the expense of the GCC countries. This concern is heightened due to the fact that a clear US commitment and policy line vis-à-vis the GCC states is not visible and the relations under the Bush administration has wavered between strategic closeness and inherent hostility over political reform and terrorist financing.       


Beyond the political and military angle, there are a host of other issues that impact on the US-Gulf relationship including concerns over energy security, the role of the US dollar in Gulf financial markets, the overall position of the oil-producing states as a rising force in global financial affairs, and the impact of the global financial crisis on both the US and the regional economy. The new US administration taking over power in January 2009 will thus have to deal with many of the issues from day one and will have little time to engage in month-long deliberation campaigns designed to put forth a structured US policy approach to the Gulf region.


The GRC is firmly convinced that a thorough assessment and analysis of US Gulf policy is both warranted and required. The fact that a changing of the guard will occur in Washington offers a unique opportunity to look into both the successes and shortcomings of the Bush administration and to outline how successes can be continued and how policy mistakes can be corrected and overcome. Equally important will be the attempt to put forth a regional Gulf perspective and to impress upon US policy officials and specialists the kind of policy that the Arab Gulf states both seek and want to see implemented.


Objectives of the Gulf Forum 2009


·          To undertake an assessment of the current status of US policy in the Gulf region and to look into the key components that define it.

·          To highlight the position of the GCC states and to analyze in-depth their foreign and security-related policies.

·          To explore practical realities and to look at the policy steps being implemented by the regional states.

·          To begin to understand the kind of policy approaches that can be expected from the incoming US administration and to promote a regional point of view regarding these expected approaches

·          To outline the parameters of a US policy in the Gulf region that balances the need for security and a US presence in the area with the prerogatives of internal stability and more cooperative set of regional relations.

Place : Intercontinental Hotel, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Date : Jan 06 to Jan 07 , 2009
Category: Past Events
Event Type : Conference

15 Dec 2009The U.S.-Pakistan Strategic Partnership: A Track-Two Dialogue for Long-Term Security Cooperation


The Gulf Research Center will host a conference on The U.S.-Pakistan Strategic Partnership: A Track-Two Dialogue for Long-Term Security Cooperation on December 15-16, 2008. This conference will be organized by the Center for Contemporary Conflict at the U.S. Naval Postgraduate School with support from the Defense Threat Reduction Agency. This is the fourth iteration in an ongoing series of track-two dialogues between the United States and Pakistan. The previous dialogues were held in Islamabad, Washington, DC and Monterey, CA. This project will convene key U.S. and Pakistani policymakers, academics, and regional security and military experts for an in-depth examination of the U.S.-Pakistan strategic partnership. The goal of the project is to advance understanding on a range of issues including: violent extremism, Afghanistan,  management of strategic arsenals, regional security, and civil-military relations.

Place : GRC Conference Room, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Date : Dec 15 to Dec 16 , 2008
Category: Past Events
Event Type : Conference

24 Sep World Investment Report 2008: Transnational Corporations and the Infrastructure Challenge


The WIR is the world’s authoritative compendium of trends in foreign direct investments (FDI) and is published annually. The press conference will outline the major findings of the WIR 2008 with regards to:

  • International FDI trends in 2007
  • Region specific trends in the Middle East/ West Asia, Africa, Latin America,   Asia and developed countries
  • The focus topic of this year’s edition – infrastructure investments by Transnational Corporations
  • The effect of the current financial crisis on the FDI outlook for 2008/ 2009
    In the aftermath of the presentation there is the possibility to discuss the WIR 2008 with Dr. Eckart Woertz, Program Manager Economics at GRC. The findings of the WIR 2008 are embargoed until 17.00h GMT, which is 21.00h UAE time and should not be published in any media before.

Place : GRC Conference Room, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Date : Sep 24 , 2008
Category: Past Events
Event Type : Conference

09 Mar GCC Bond Markets – Roadmap for Market Development


Bond markets, an indispensable means of financing and an important asset class, are relatively underdeveloped in the GCC countries. Much is left to be done in terms of government benchmarks, market makers, investor base and regulatory frameworks, although the number of issues and issue sizes increased considerably until the recent subprime crisis. The roundtable discussion will debate current issues relating to the nascent GCC bond markets.

Place : GRC Conference Room, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Date : Mar 09 , 2008
Category: Past Events
Event Type : Conference

28 Nov The Middle East & Asia Energy Summit


The Middle East & Asia Energy Summit will address one of the most pressing issues of our time. Continuously rising demand, especially from emerging market countries like China, faces increasing supply challenges. Oil and gas extraction in a maturing industry requires more sophisticated technological solutions and huge investments, while the increasing cross border transport of energy calls for international cooperation. Geopolitical tensions have to be eased while innovative transport and strategic storage solutions have to be found.

The Middle East has 60 percent of worldwide oil reserves and 40 percent of worldwide gas reserves, about two thirds of its energy exports go to Asia, a dynamic industrious region that has developed into the “workbench of the world” and faces a striking lack of endowment with energy resources. Thus the dependence is mutual and the chances for cooperation manifold. The Middle East & Asia Energy Summit offers the opportunity to get first hand knowledge from senior speakers and industry insiders about issues such as:

• Asia’s growing oil thirst: Will the Middle East be able to quench it? The challenges of enhanced oil recovery
• Prospects of trade in Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG)
• Country assessments: Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Iran and Iraq
• Petrochemicals and refining: The necessity of cross border
• Tanker shortages, pipeline projects and transport of refined products
• Strategic storage solutions
• Choke points and the management of geopolitical risk: The straits of Hormuz and Malacca

Place : Singapore Marriott Hotel, Singapore
Date : Nov 28 to Nov 29 , 2007
Category: Past Events
Event Type : Conference

01 Jul 2007The Middle East 2007


The 8th annual Middle East conference sponsored by the Geneva Center for Security Policy (GCSP), the RAND Corporation, the Crown Center for Middle East Studies at Brandeis University and the Gulf Research Center (GRC) will take place in Gstaad, Switzerland from July 1-3, 2007. The conference will follow its traditional course of focusing on the changes and trends in the broader Middle Eastern security environment including looking at the regional and geopolitical dynamics, the Arab-Israeli conflict as well as the situation pertaining to Iraq and Iran nuclear program. The conference is unique as it reflects the views from the US, Europe, the Middle East region itself thereby providing a comprehensive assessment of the Middle East in 2007.

Place : Gstaad, Switzerland
Date : Jul 01 to Jul 03 , 2007
Category: Past Events
Event Type : Conference

03 Mar The Second GCC Capital Market Forum 2007


The Gulf Research Center (GRC) will be a strategic partner of the Saudi Law Training Center in organizing the Second GCC Capital Market Forum 2007 in Dubai. The conference will be held on March 3 and 4 in JW Marriot Hotel in Dubai. After the severe stock market corrections of 2006, the Forum will discuss problems and prospects of the GCC stock markets.  Under the title “Managing the Crisis,” crucial topics like family businesses going public, internet trading, unification of Gulf stock markets and good governance issues will be addressed.

Building on the success of the first forum, sponsored by HH Sheikh Hamdan bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Deputy Ruler of Dubai and UAE Minister of Finance and Industry,  the second GCC Capital Market Forum will be held with distinguished specialists, speakers and guests for the second consecutive year. Abdulaziz O. Sager, Chairman of the Gulf Research Center, will address in his inaugural speech the current condition of the GCC financial markets as well as the challenges they pose and the opportunities they present. A special study on the management of IPOs will be presented by two distinguished IMF experts on the Middle East, Mr. Fernando Delgado and Dr. Mohammed Omran. Dr. Eckart Woertz, Program Manager Economics at GRC, will present a study on the collapse of the GCC stock markets, the reasons behind it and the best means to deal with the situation. The Abu Dhabi Securities Market, the other strategic partner in the Second GCC Capital Market Forum, will present a paper on the effects of legislation and laws on the development and stability of securities markets.

Place : JW Marriot Hotel, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Date : Mar 03 to Mar 04 , 2007
Category: Past Events
Event Type : Conference

20 Jan NATO and the GCC Countries: Cooperation within the Framework of the Istanbul Initiative


The last event co-sponsored by NATO and the Gulf Research Center in September 2005 in Dubai sought to explore the practical possibilities of cooperation within NATO’s Istanbul Cooperation Initiative (ICI) and to see how the relationship between NATO and the member states of the GCC can be enhanced and promoted. The findings of this meeting concluded that an expanded role for NATO in the Gulf could contribute to greater security and stability in the region, in keeping with the aims of the ICI which was launched at the Alliance"s Summit in June 2004. NATO’s aim to contribute to long-term global and regional security by offering countries of the broader Middle East region practical bilateral security cooperation is of ever-increasing importance to the Gulf countries today.

As a follow up to the initial joint meeting between NATO and the GRC in which NATO laid out the “menu” of the ICI to their potential partners in the Gulf region, this second conference will build on the initial findings. With the Institute for Diplomatic Studies of the Foreign Ministry of Saudi Arabia as an additional sponsor, the focus will not only be on the overall geo-strategic picture of possible future co-operation, but will particularly aim to highlight specific and practical aspects of potential NATO involvement the Gulf in the realm of soft security issues. The overall objective of the meeting is thus to kick start real and meaningful engagement between NATO and its Gulf partners.

The conference proposes to look at four key areas and discuss practical ways that NATO can offer assistance to Gulf partners. Such areas include:

• Intelligence-sharing and co-operation as part of the overall fight against terrorism

• Cooperation regarding border security in connection with terrorism, small arms and light weapons trafficking

• Joint efforts to combat illegal human and drug trafficking and developing common strategies to tackle this problematic 

• Civil emergency planning, including participating in training courses and exercises on disaster assistance, civil-military coordination, and crisis response to maritime, aviation, and surface threats

Through establishing a framework for practical co-operation and dialogue on such a focused set of topics, the Gulf Research Center, the Institute for Diplomatic Studies and NATO hope to push Gulf-NATO relations further down the path towards a strategic partnership. The meeting would be introduced by an overview of the NATO policies regarding the four above-mentioned topics as well as an assessment from the member states of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) regarding the current level of threat that these issues represent. In addition, there will be a discussion on the post-Cold War transformation of NATO and the implications this also holds for the Gulf region. The workshop will conclude with a roundtable to provide policy suggestions.

Anticipated speakers and participants are representatives from NATO, GCC Foreign and Defense Ministries, members of the other various GCC defense and intelligence establishment as well as regional experts and analysts.

Place : Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Date : Jan 20 to Jan 21 , 2007
Category: Past Events
Event Type : Conference

11 Jan Gulf Yearbook 2006-2007


The Gulf Research Center (GRC) will hold its fourth annual conference on January 11, 2007 centered around the release and presentation of the GRC"s annual yearbook entitled “Gulf Yearbook 2006-2007.” This publication highlights the main and critical developments of the year for the Gulf region focusing on the major political, economic, security, and social trends. The conference will be opened by the GRC chairman to be followed by individual presentations on the Yearbook’s main findings and conclusions.

With the Gulf region facing challenges on numerous fronts, the Yearbook and associated conference will attempt to throw an analytical perspective and what has been another tumultuous year in Gulf affairs. This includes the key political and social developments in the region with a particular focus on the election processes taking place, for example in Kuwait and Bahrain. This will be followed by an in-depth look into the economic factors that have dominated the year including the situation of the financial markets and the status of the region’s petrochemical industry. With oil prices hovering at record levels, an evaluation of the oil sector will complete this section. Security and defense issues will dominate the third part of the conference with developments in Iraq, the debate over the Iranian nuclear program and terrorism and counter-terrorism strategies all requiring a specific focus. Finally, the conference will turn to the international relations of the Gulf and include analysis on developments in Iraq, Iran, Yemen as well as on the region’s relations with the US, Europe and Asia. Particular emphasis is given to the impact and consequences of the Lebanon crisis of the summer of 2006. Taken together, the conference provides a comprehensive overview of the Gulf’s developments in 2006 and provides an analytical framework whereby key trends and scenarios can be outlined for 2007.

Place : Park Hyatt Hotel, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Date : Jan 11 , 2007
Category: Past Events
Event Type : Conference

18 Nov event

Place : GRC
Date : Nov 18 , 2006
Category: Past Events
Event Type : Conference

18 Nov EIA International Energy Outlook 2006 (Arabic)


The Gulf Research Center (GRC) is releasing the Arabic translation of the International Energy Outlook 2006 (IEO 2006) with a high ranking roundtable about contemporary energy issues.

The International Energy Outlook is the flagship publication of the Energy Information Administration (EIA) at the U.S. Department of Energy (DoE). By translating IEO 2006 into Arabic for the second time, GRC aims to make an important contribution to the understanding of the world trends in energy demand and the major macroeconomic assumptions to the Arab world.

The key speakers at this book release are the Honourable Guy F. Caruso, Administrator, EIA, Mr. Aloulou Fawzi, an energy economist at the International, Economic, and Greenhouse Gases Division of the Office of Integrated Analysis and Forecasting (OIAF) at EIA. The release will be followed by a discussion between energy officials, executives of oil companies and journalists.

The Gulf Research Center has already translated the IEO of 2005. It was for the first time that this important energy publication was released in Arabic and the book launch was attended by the Honourable Samuel Bodman, US Secretary of Energy.

The IEO 2006 covers international energy projections through 2030, including outlooks for major energy fuels and associated carbon dioxide emissions. It also aims at helping energy managers and analysts, both in government and in the private sector, by providing them state-of-the-art projections and the most recent available data. Journalists and media outlets can get a better understanding of energy trends and the factors that impact energy markets.

Through the Arabic version of the IEO 2006, the Arab world can also gain access to information on regional projections of end-use energy consumption in the residential, commercial, industrial, and transportation sectors and the projections for world electricity markets.

Place : GRC Conference Room, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Date : Nov 18 , 2006
Category: Past Events
Event Type : Conference

01 May KIEP- GRC Conference


Trading relations between Asia and the GCC have been developing by leaps and bounds in the recent years. While the GCC is the most important energy supplier to Asia, the latter, in turn, exports machinery, cars and engineering goods to the Gulf countries. The GCC countries are also developing closer ties with Asia in security and cultural matters. South Korea is one of the most developed and most important countries in Asia and already entertains close trading relations with GCC.

The joint workshop between the Gulf Research Center (GRC) and the Korea Institute for International Economic Policy (KIEP) deals with the status quo of the trading relations between Korea and the GCC countries and their future challenges. Specific attention will be paid to the energy sector, most notably Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG). Other areas of discussion will include financial cooperation and foreign direct investment.

This follows the directions initiated by the GRC’s 2006 Annual conference titled “Dynamic Alliances: Strengthening Ties between the GCC and Asia” which addressed the GCC’s growing bilateral trade and investment relations with Asia along with the correlated political and security implications in January 2006.

Place : GRC Conference Room, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Date : May 01 , 2006
Category: Past Events
Event Type : Conference

19 Apr IMD Business Forum: Leading Virtuoso Teams


It has been shown that in nearly every area of human achievements, from business, to the arts, to science, to sports and in the political arena there are teams of people that produce outstanding and innovative results by getting more than the full-value of the talent potential of the assembled individuals. Such work groups are referred to as Virtuoso Teams. Virtuoso Teams consist of star performers, at every level and are a powerful way to generate major change such as: creating radical new strategies, entering new markets, or the re-generation of a company. As such, they are unlike traditional teams which are typically made up of whoever is available. Leaders of Virtuoso Teams, meanwhile, put a premium on great collaboration and they are not afraid to encourage creative confrontations to get it.

The IMD Business Forum held in collaboration with the Gulf Research Center (GRC) and the Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC) will focus specifically on the role of virtuoso teams. The event will be led by Professor Bill Fischer, Professor of Technology Management at IMD International, who will share the outcome of his published research  focused on how to systematically exploit the power of the Virtuoso Team method. The speakers and the discussion at this Forum will offer various insights from their experiences of how high performance teams are critical to achieving outstanding results

Dr. Omar Bin Sulaiman, Director General of Dubai International Financial Centre Authority (DIFCA) will make the opening address on the "Impact of Virtuoso Teams in Ultra Rapid Growth: The Dubai Story".

More speakers from the international and regional business communities will share with us their views on this topic.

Place : Grand Hyatt Hotel, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Date : Apr 19 , 2006
Category: Past Events
Event Type : Conference

08 Feb Green Gulf: Threats, Challenges and Solutions


Seeking solutions to the environmental issues that are on the horizon is a top priority today. Environmentalists across the globe are urging governments, authorities and the public at large to change their attitudes, approaches and actions towards the earth’s finite natural resources and the environment.

The driving force behind change in any sphere has to embrace every single section of society in order to influence thinking and action. It is, therefore, extremely essential that the youth of today understand, assimilate and demand answers to crucial environmental issues, which have affected their past and present and will drastically impact their future as well.

It is true that governments need to prepare and implement sound policies, laws and measures to protect our deteriorating environment and natural resources. But these need to be accompanied and sustained by wide-ranging awareness programs that educate and persuade the public, especially the children and youth, to be active participants in this process of change and shoulder equal responsibilities towards achieving a cleaner and greener planet.

This Youth Conference on Environment intends to promote environmental awareness and motivate young minds in the Gulf region to start looking around them, become aware of the damage to their environment and natural resources, realize the intensity and urgency of the situation, probe deeply into the existing threats and causes and suggest innovative and immediate solutions to stem the tide of destruction.

The conference will witness presentations from 10 student speakers – who have been chosen by an international panel of experts based on the abstracts received from university students in the UAE that have been judged on the basis of originality, the seriousness of the identified issue, the quality of the writing, the depth of research and the innovativeness of the proposed solutions.

In order to encourage these eager and committed students, the top three presentations will receive commemorative plaques and all 10 papers will be published.

This conference is part of the GRC’s vision for a Green Gulf and a greener planet. Realizing the importance of environment conservation and sustainable development, the GRC has widened the scope of its activities to include environmental research and awareness activities to facilitate solutions to the problems faced by the region and the world due to the degradation of the environment and depletion of precious natural resources.

One major initiative of the GRC in this field has been the “Green Gulf” project, which is a scientific attempt to address some of the most critical problems facing the region in the form of unsustainable patterns of production and consumption. Being carried out in cooperation with TERI, the Green Gulf study focuses on the natural resources of the region and the state of the environment, both critical for the future of the Gulf and the world.

Other proposed activities include creating a Web-based education module for instilling awareness about environmental issues; preparing supplementary Arabic reading material and conducting Arabic quiz programs; building a Web-based environmental database for the GCC countries, which will provide a storehouse of information on environmental and related issues; and an annual regional report on the environment.

Place : Main Auditorium, American University of Sharjah, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates
Date : Feb 08 , 2006
Category: Past Events
Event Type : Conference

04 Jan Gulf Yearbook 2005-2006


The Gulf Research Center (GRC) will hold its third annual conference on January 4, 2006. Entitled “Gulf Yearbook 2005-2006,” the conference will see the release and presentation of the GRC"s annual yearbook entitled “Gulf Yearbook 2005.” This publication highlights the key developments of the year, focusing on the major political, economic, security, and social trends. Following the keynote address by H.E. Ong Keng Yong, the Secretary-General of ASEAN, select contributors to the Yearbook will present their findings.

The Yearbook will be divided into four parts, each of which will explore a theme relevant to the current situation in the Gulf. The first section will deal with political and social developments in the Gulf, and will cover municipal elections in Saudi Arabia, external factors and their impact on political reform in the Gulf, education curricula, the role of civil society and of NGOs as well as women and youth. The second section will deal with economic developments and will include articles on real estate, the GCC stock markets, oil production and energy, labor markets, and economic reform and growth prospects. The third section will focus on the international relations of the Gulf and will include analysis on developments in Iraq, Iran, Yemen as well as on the new Gulf focus on Asia and the US role in the Gulf. The fourth section will deal with defense and security issues and will include essays on terrorism and counterterrorism in the Gulf countries, NATO and the role of the Istanbul Cooperation Initiative, the future direction of US policy in the Gulf, as well as options for a Gulf regional security structure. The Yearbook will also include the latest statistical tables and other data in various relevant fields.

Place : Grand Hyatt Hotel, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Date : Jan 04 , 2006
Category: Past Events
Event Type : Conference