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The GCC in the Global Economy

  • Steffen Hertog
  • Eckart Woertz
  • Giacomo Luciani
  • Richard Youngs
Edited By: Richard Youngs
Publisher: Gerlach Press
ISBN / EISBN: 978-3-940924-05-6
Date of Publication: Jan 2012
Publications Categories: GRM Publications
Price: 266.52 SAR

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Changing geopolitical realities have seen the Gulf region turning to Asia and Africa to build new economic links, while strengthening old ones. This proactive internationalism is visible not just in economics and energy, but also in politics and security where a host of new agreements has been developed. This work provides an overview of the ways in which the GCC states now need to move ahead with reforms that will reflect issues such as raised expectations from a period of high revenues and the region’s demographics.

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